Soft Toy Planet Earth and our Solar System Neighbours
Celestial Buddies is an original line of soft toys each personifying a planet. The Celestial Buddies' "Big Bang" moment occurred after the creator of this miniature stuffed universe saw a documentary series on the Solar System and realized that there were no soft toys depicting our planetary neighbours. So she set to work, and Celestial Buddies is the result. Gorgeous soft toy planets with authentic detailing and information on the labels.
Little Earth Soft Toy
Name: Earth, Our Precious Planet
Age: About 4.53 billion years
Weight: 5.972 x 10^24 kg
Diameter: 12,742 km
Average Surface Temperature: 14 ° C
Average Distance from the Sun: 150 million km
Rotational Period: 24 hours
Orbital Period: 365 days
Celestial Buddies Plush Collection
Celestial Buddies are distributed in the UK by Market Landing Ltd.
To order in the USA or other locations, please visit or email